

The team of the GAF held a pilot training for professionals on the 17th of October 2020 in Plovdiv. The training was part of the project No Gaps - Transnational methodology for socio-labour intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees” (2018-2-ESO2-KA205-011654), funded under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Read more: Training for professionals - part of the project No Gaps

Category: News

The first lobbying meeting was organized online on 17.09.2020. The agenda included two hours of discussion between 10.00 and 12.00. A group of 14 participants from the court, the police, the prosecution office, the social services, the municipality of Plovdiv, the regional governor of Plovdiv and NGOs dealing with human rights protection took part in the meeting.

The second lobbying meeting was organized online on 02.10.2020. The agenda included two hours of discussion between 13.30 and 15.30. A group of 26 participants from the court, the police, the prosecution office, the social services, the municipality of Plovdiv, the regional governor of Plovdiv and NGOs dealing with human rights protection took part in the meeting. Some of theparticipants were working with women with humanitarian or refugee status, and others were working with women who are living in Bulgaria with prolonged residence.

Read more: BASE Lobbying meetings

Category: News

The 4th Partnership meeting took place online on 23.06.2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The partners discussed the multi-agency cooperation and mutual learning envisaged under the initiative.

They shared their plans for the implementation of the National small-scale events and the Lobbying meetings under the project.

Read more: 4th Partnership meeting under the BASE project

Category: News

On the 12.05.2020 it was organized the second partnership meeting of the project "Power Up - Empowering and Upskilling women with a migrant background to foster their social and labour inclusion” (2019-1-BG01-KA204-062546). The initiative is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Due to the emergency situation related with the COVID-19, the meeting was held online. The partnership consortium consists of four EU organizations – Gender Alternatives Foundation (BG), Solidaridad sin Fronteras (ES), Mindshift (PT) and Matertera (CZ).


Category: News

     The WAVE network, established in 1994 as an informal platform of like-minded people. Since 2014 is a legal entity and an official network of organizations composed of European members working in the field of combating violence against women and children. The WAVE network aims to promote and strengthen human rights in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. It aims to establish gender equality by eliminating all forms of violence against women. WAVE is the only European network focused solely on eliminating violence against women and children.

     WAVE adheres to the goals of the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of working to end all forms of violence against women and children in public and private life in accordance with the Vienna Declaration, the Declaration on Violence against Women, the Beijing Platform for Action and all others. related documents.

    GA Foundation (Gender Alternatives Foundation) is an official member of the WAVE Network from 18.05.2020. Thank you for your trust, colleagues!

Category: News


September 19, 2024

Switch On your mind, switch OFF gender-based violence online